Agenda 02/04/2019


Dear Councillor,

You are requested to attend the next parish council meeting which will commence at 7.30pm on Tuesday 2nd April 2019 at the Black Swan, Asselby.


1. Apologies for absence and signing of the minutes of the last meeting.

2. Declaration by a member of an interest in any of the following issues.

3. Matters Arising. a. Defibrillator.

b. Local Council and Parish Council Elections.

c. Neighbourhood Watch request for 20mph Speed Limit/Speed Guns.

d. No Cold Calling Zone. e. ERYC – Approved Name Bank.

4. Accounts.

a. S. A. Oates – Phone Expenses and Salary to 31/03/2019.

b. Hedge Nursery – Replacement of Hawthorn Hedge.

c. HSBC – Bank Statement.

d. Year End Finances.

e. PKF Littlejohn LLP – Notification of Audit Forms online.

f. ERNLLCA - Membership Fee 19/20.

g. HJBC – Precept 19/20.

5. Planning Matters.

a. Proposed Conversion of existing outbuilding to dwelling including single storey extension to side at Land and Buildings south of Sycamore House Farm, Asselby for Mr. & Mrs. Fielder 19/00423.

b. Conversion of existing barn to dwelling including erection of single storey extension following demolition of existing outbuildings Land North of War Memorial, Asselby for Mr. M. Bolden. 18/03814.

6. Correspondence.

a. ERYC – Notification of Surface Dressing A63 Knedlington Road, Asselby.

b. Enquiry regarding loading of Sugar Beet in Knedlington and state of Footway.

c. ERYC – Online supplies Catalogue.

d. Various other items for perusal.

7. Any Other Business.

a. Hedge overgrowing Gully/Landing Lane.

b. Footway between Knedlington Crossroads and Asselby.

c. Signage at Knedlington Crossroads.

d. Parish Council Meetings.