Minutes 01/04/2020


Minutes of Asselby Parish Council Meeting arranged for Wednesday 1st April 2020

(This meeting has been held online due to the closure of the Black Swan and the need to self-isolate because of the Coronavirus Pandemic).

PRESENT:- Messrs. R. Pickersgill (Chairman) P. Burnley, Mrs. S. Hunt, M. Clarke and Mrs. D. Mumby Also, Mrs. S. Oates (Clerk).

1. There were no apologies for absence.

2. M. Clarke and Mrs. D. Mumby had expressed an interest in being co-opted onto the Parish Council. East Riding and North Lincolnshire Local Council Association (ERNLLCA) had advised the Clerk this could be done online due to the extreme circumstance of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Agreed by all members to co-opt M. Clarke and Mrs. D. Mumby Online. Co-options done and forms completed 24th March 2020. The members welcome Michael Clarke and Dawn Mumby to the parish council.

3. There were no declarations of interest made by a member on any of the following issues.

4. The Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd December 2019 and the ‘Emergency’ meeting held on 17th December 2019 were taken as read and signed as correct.

5. MATTERS ARISING – 03/12/2019.

a. Defibrillator – Checked. No further Action.

b. ERYC – Confirmation of Precept for financial year 2020/2021.

c. ERYC – South Lane Nameplate – Replaced.

d. Howden Town Council – Cheques made out to Howden Town Council for the precept for Howden Joint Burial Committee Precept 2019/20 £504.00 and for the use of Howden Town Council Office for meetings held in June/August/October 2019 £45.00 – out of date when paid into Bank. Paid by Clerk online 3rd January 2020.

MATTERS ARISING – 17/12/2019.

e. Website Update – Work carried out to update website, supply more information for residents and make information mobile/small screen friendly. Problems and extra work were caused by issues from ERYC IT department and the template for the website which is used by the majority of parishes in the ERYC. The members wish to express their thanks to Mrs. S. Cookson for work she did to update the layout and style of the website and add pages for more information to the residents.

f. Intimidating Dogs – It is advisable not to take photos of any altercation should anyone be intimidated by a dog as it could make the situation worse. Please see the parish council website Parish News/Information and follow the procedure as set out by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council Dog Warden.

g. Resignation of J. E. Oates and leaflet drop to promote Co-option of new members. Two new members were co-opted – see 2 above. Thank you to R. Pickersgill for printing of leaflets and Mrs. S. Hunt for delivery to residents.

Thanks also expressed to J. E. Oates who has been a parish councillor for twenty five years.


a. Howden Town Council – Howden Joint Burial Committee Precept paid £504.00 03/01/2020. Hire of Howden Town Council Offices to hold parish council meetings June, August, October paid £45.00 02/01/2020. Paid Online

b. ERYC – Refund of overcharge on Street Lighting Maintenance: £13.86 - 04/12/2020.

c. Tesco – Campbell & Stenton/Mrs. C. Taylor – Thank you gifts £40.00 – 17/12/2019 (Debit Card).

SECTION 137:- Resolved that the council, in accordance, with its powers under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972, should incur the expenditure which in the opinion of the council is in the interests of the area and its inhabitants.

d. S.A. Oates – Clerks Salary to 31/12/2019. £550.00 Paid by Standing Order.

e. Campbell & Stenton - Notification of tax requirements for Clerk to HMRC.

f. Tesco – Printer Inkjets - £41.50. 20/01/2020 (Debit Card).

g. Lucky Creative Design – Work to update and add to website £200.00. 06/02/2020 Paid Online. £70.00. 11/03/2020 Paid Online.

h. Tesco – Printer Inkjets. £22.50. 19/03/2020 (Debit Card).

i. S.A. Oates – Payment of Telephone/Internet expenses at £10.00 per month for December 2019 to March 2020 (As agreed at meeting 03/12/2019). £40.00 Paid Online.

j. S.A. Oates – Clerks Salary to 31.03/2020. £550.00 Paid by Standing Order.

k. HSBC – Bank Statement to 21/03/2020. Balance at bank - £4454.78.

l. Zurich Municipal - Notification that Long Term Agreement (LTA) would need to be renewed by 1st June 2020. Agreed by all (online) to renew a 3 year LTA premium of £306.59. m. National Association of Local Councils – Notification of increase for Section 137 payments.

n. PKF Littlejohn – Annual Governance and Accountability Return 19/20 – Waiting to hear how this will be dealt with because of the present situation regarding the Coronavirus Pandemic.


a. Variation of condition 4(approved plans) of planning reference 18/03476/VAR to allow for alterations to window and door openings, alterations to siting and appearance of detached garage, addition of a porch to one of the dwellings and changers to proposed boundary treatments at Box Tree Farm, Asselby for Potton Ltd. Building Contractors -19/03368/VAR – Permission Granted.

b. Variation of Condition 10 (approved plans) of planning permission 16/03179/VAR at Box Tree Farm, Asselby for Blakely Homes Ltd. 20/00148/VAR. (No Comments)

c. Variation of Condition 10 (approved plans) of planning permission 18/03020/VAR for the erection of a dwelling (AMENDED DESCRIPTION AND PLANS) at Box Tree Farm, Asselby for Blakely Homes Ltd. – 20/00148/VAR. (No Comments).

d. Erection of two storey, single storey and first floor extensions with external and internal alterations to threshing and granary barns to allow conversion to dwelling and erection of detached garage at Old Hall Farm, Knedlington for J. Ward. 19/01315 – Permission Granted.

e. Erection of a two storey rear and single storey side extensions with internal/external alterations at Sumak House, Asselby for A. Robinson. 19/04167. No Comments. Permission Granted.

f. Outline for the Erection of a dwelling (all matters reserved) land east of Linton House, Asselby for J. Cutt. 19/04338. Comments Sent. Application withdrawn.

g. Outline for the Erection of a detached dwelling and garage following demolition of existing outbuilding (All Matters Reserved) at land east of Ivy House Cottage, Asselby for J. Rowlands. 20/00075. Comments Sent. Outline for the Erection of a detached dwelling and garage (AMENDED PLANS) land east of Ivy House Cottage, Asselby for J. Rowlands. 20/00075 – Further comments sent.

h. Erection of two storey extension to side and rear following demolition of existing single storey extensions and chimney, installation of new double glazed sash windows and application of render at Kielder Cottage, Knedlington for D. Teesdale. 20/00476. Fully supported by Parish Council.

i. Notification of Appeal by E. Allen against decision for refusal of planning permission at Rose Lea, Asselby for the erection of a four bedroomed detached bungalow. (19/02371) 20/00004/REFUSE. Comments sent to Planning Inspectorate.


a. Items reported to ERYC for attention:- (i) Pothole - Between Knedlington and Asselby. (ii) Overgrown Hedge – Landing Lane/Back Lane. (iii) Standing water – Between Knedlington and Asselby. (iv) Mud on Footway – between Knedlington and Asselby. (v) Stones placed in Blacksmiths Lane. Noted all issues dealt with.

b. Coronavirus – General Information forwarded to members.

c. ERYC – Notification of Village Taskforce Walkabout 20/21. Cancelled until further notice.

d. ERYC – Review of Alowances – forwarded to all members.

e. ERYC – Register of Electors.

All other items as agenda – no further action.


a. ERYC – Emergency Plan – It was agreed that this matter would be put back until the members could meet and discuss an Emergency Plan bearing in mind the current situation.

b. Christmas Tree Lights – It had been noted that three strands had been damaged – one was repairable.

c. Benches – Agreed by all benches would benefit from some maintenance work in the future.

d. Wreath for VE 75 years Commemoration. – Agreed by all to place a wreath on the Roll of Honour.

e. Internal Audit for parish council accounts – Mrs. C. Taylor has agreed to carry out the Audit.

f. Cameras/Knedlington and Barnhill Junction – Enquiries made to Howden Town Council and ERYC – Clerk informed that a Survey was being done – awaiting further information.

g. Standing Orders – A copy of the Standing Orders for conducting parish council meetings had been forwarded to all members. This will be considered at the AGM when it is held. h. Annual Parish Meeting, Annual General Meeting and an Ordinary should be held in May – Due to the present situation further information is awaited from ERNLLCA (NALC). Information suggests that the Clerk and Chairman should deal with day to day issues and bigger issues requiring a consensus will be dealt with remotely by all the members.


The next meeting will be arranged at a later date bearing in mind the Coronavirus Pandemic and the need for people to stay two metres apart and self isolate.

These minutes were signed as a true record after the Online Meeting held on Monday 18th May 2020.