Minutes 05/02/2019


Minutes of Asselby Parish Council meeting held at the Black Swan, Asselby

on Tuesday 5th February 2019 at 7.30pm

PRESENT:- Messrs. T. Fawcett, J. Oates, A. Walker and N. Marwood. Also, CC C. Bayram.

Apologies from R. Raywood, P. Burnley and R. Pickersgill.

1. The minutes of the last meeting were taken as read and signed correct.

2. There were no declarations of interest made by a member on any of the following issues.

3. Matters Arising. a. ERYC – Reply to request for attention to footway between Asselby and Knedlington. Repairs to footway will be carried out by the end of March. Information regarding blocked gully forwarded to relevant team.

b. ERYC – Confirmation of precept request of £4950.00 made for 2019/20 which is a decrease of 1.61% compared to 2018/19.

c. Defibrillator – Noted 15/01/2019 defibrillator light not on. Clerk informed Chairman T. Fawcett who reconnected electricity supply from the Black Swan.

d. ERYC/NHW Group – Clerk sent request to ERYC Jody Nightingale for a No Cold Calling Zone in the parish. Awaiting further information.

e. ERYC LLPG & Street Naming and Numbering – Request to add further suggestions to the name bank for future development in Asselby. The Clerk had made enquiries to ERYC Archives and names in the history of Asselby include Aislabie, Aschilebi. Also, previous residents Thomas Sinclair Clarke, Rev. J. Noble, Rev. Thomas Powell, Flax Ponds north of Asselby, Bishops of Durham and Barnes Wallis.

4. Accounts.

a. S. A. Oates – Salary 01/10/2018 to 31/12/2018 paid by standing order. £550.00

b. Campbell & Stenton – Statement of notification of tax for Clerk to HMRC.

c. HSBC – Bank statements to 21/01/2019. Balance £4302.82.

d. Petty Cash payment to purchase gifts for Campbell & Stenton (tax) and C. Taylor (internal audit) £45.00.

Section 137:- Resolved that the council, in accordance, with its powers under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972,

should incur the expenditure which in the opinion of the council is in the interests of the area and its inhabitants.

5. Planning Matters.

a. Variation of condition 6 (Approved plans) of planning permission 17/02054/PLF (Erection of two dwellings and associated works following demolition of existing farm buildings) to allow for minor layout changes, addition of a detached double garage at Box Tree Farm, Asselby for Potton Limited Building Contractors 18/03476/PLF – Permission Granted.

b. Conversion of existing barn to dwelling including erection of single storey extension following demolition of existing outbuildings, Land north of War Memorial, Asselby for M. Boldan. 18/03814/PLF – No objections.

6. Correspondence. a. Asselby/Barmby Neighbourhood Watch – Request for parish council to enquire about a 20 mph speed limit through the villages of Knedlington and Asselby (also Barmby). The members discussed the previous requests they had made to Highways regarding the speed of traffic through Knedlington and Asselby and the surveys that had been carried out. Resolved: That a request be made to ERYC Highways to ask for a 20 mph speed limit and an enquiry about the possible use of speed guns.

b. Office of Police & Crime Commission for Humberside – Request to forward what members consider to be top 3 Community Safety issues in the parish. Resolved: Top 3 priorities - Speed of traffic at Knedlington Crossroads and through villages, parking on the pavements and dog fouling.

c. ERNLLCA – Buckingham Palace Garden Party. d. ERNLLCA – Information and forms for Local and Parish Council Elections May 2019. Other correspondence – no further action.

 7. Any Other Business.

a. Chairman T. Fawcett informed the members of a request he had received from a resident asking for support from the parish council to stop Enforcement Action being taken to remove brick pillars from a brick wall on a new property in the village of Asselby. After much discussion it was agreed that the members could not support removal of a planning condition that was imposed by ERYC Highways Department to ensure highway safety and which the parish council had previously agreed to.

The next meeting was arranged for Tuesday 2nd April 2019

The meeting closed at 8.30pm