Minutes 05/08/2019

Minutes of Asselby Parish Council meeting held at Howden Town Council Offices,

Howden on Monday 5th August 2019

PRESENT:- Messrs. R. Pickersgill, J. Oates and Mrs. S. Hunt. Mrs. S. Oates – Clerk Apologies:- Messrs. P. Burnley and R. Raywood.

1. The minutes of the last meeting were taken as read and signed correct.

2. There were no declarations of interest made by a member on any of the following issues.

3. Matters Arising.

a. Defibrillator – Checked 15/07/2019 – No further action.

b. Dog Waste Bags – Enquiries had been made to ERYC regarding litter bins for used dog waste bags. ERYC will only empty general litter bins purchased from themselves which would cost £272.16+VAT and £105.00 installation. The Clerk had been informed by the ERYC the parish council would have to indicate where it would require the siting of ‘Bag Dispensers’ as planning permission may be required. After discussion it was RESOLVED:- To purchase one ‘Bag Dispenser’ to place in Landing Lane Where dog walkers could collect a bag for use and then take it home to dispose of in their own bin. Planning Department to be contacted.

c. HSBC - Internet Banking and Debit Card – Applied for and completed.

4. Accounts.

a. Tesco – Printing Paper purchased by debit card 24/06/2019. £5.90.

b. Campbell & Stenton – Summary of Clerks Wage/Tax to HMRC – June 2019.

c. SA Oates - Salary 01/04/2019 - 30/06/2019.  £550 paid by Standing Order.

d. HSBC – Statements to 21/07/2019. Balance at bank £744242.

e. ERYC – Notification of 2% increase for Service Level 1 Footway Lighting Maintenance Agreement 2020-21.

5. Planning Matters.

a. Proposed erection of single storey extension to rear at Knedlington Old Hall, Knedlington. (Full Planning & Listed Building Consent) 19/91238 19/01239 – Permission Granted. b. Proposed conversion of existing outbuilding to dwelling/single storey extension to side –land/buildings south of Sycamore House Farm, Asselby. 19/00423 – Permission Granted.

c. Proposed erection of dwelling land building west of The Craggs, Asselby. 19/00771 – Permission Refused.

d. Proposed erection of dwelling land and building east of The Craggs, Asselby. 19/00865 – Permission Refused.

e. Proposed Change of Use of existing annexe with associated alterations and single storey extension at front to create dwelling at land and building east of Chestnut Bungalow, Asselby. 19/01471 – Permission Granted.

f. ERYC Local Plan – Purchase of the Local Plan would cost £95+ Postage. After discussion it was Resolved: To copy sections from the full plan which would be relevant to the parish council when discussing planning applications. R. Pickersgill gave out documents/information he had downloaded. A map showing the main body of the village had already been sent to each member for information.

6. Correspondence.

a. ERYC – Notice of Alterations to Electoral Register.

b. ERNLLCA – Information for ‘Being a Good Councillor’ Training Event. 4x copies of Good Councillor Guide as requested.

c. ERYC/ERNLLCA – National Highways and Transport Survey.

d. ERYC – Request to update Emergency Plan. New Template to be used. After discussion it was Resolved: To carry this matter to the next meeting as the Black Swan which is closed at the present time is on the Emergency Plan as a meeting/information centre.

e. ERNLLCA/NALC – Online survey for parish councillors and clerks to complete.

7. Any Other Business.

a. Policies & Procedures – The Clerk had requested all members look at the website to be aware of the Policies and Procedures. Reviewed and dated 5th August 2019. It is also noted that the website requires updating.

b. Notification of Planning under General Permitted Development Order – It had been brought to the attention of the Clerk that a Notice had been placed at Back Lane Farm, Asselby advertising an application for ‘Change of Use of an agricultural building into a single dwelling with associated works’ 19/02310 /AGRNOT under a General Permitted Development Order – Part 3 Class Q. The parish council will not be requested to make any observations on this. If certain criteria are not met the applicant will have to submit a full planning permission application – the parish council will then be requested to make comments.

c. Footway between Asselby and Knedlington – The Clerk contacted ERYC following previous enquiries regarding the condition of the footway. An ERYC Engineer will inspect the footway for any actionable defects that require attention. (To be followed up).

d. The Black Swan, Asselby - R. Pickersgill informed those present he had spoken with the owner of the Black Swan, Asselby. The pub will remain closed until someone takes over the running of it.

The next meeting is arranged for Monday 7th October 2019 at Howden Town Council Offices

The meeting closed at 9.15 pm