Minutes 10/06/2019


Minutes of Asselby Parish Council Meeting held at Howden Town Council Offices

on Monday 10th June 2019 at 7.30pm

PRESENT:- Messrs. R. Pickersgill (Chair), J. Oates, R. Raywood & P. Burnley. Also:- Mrs. S. Hunt.

1. There were no apologies for absence and the minutes of the last meetings were taken as read and signed correct.

2. There were no declarations of interest made by a member on any of the following issues.

3. Matters Arising

a. Co-option – A request to be co-opted had been received from Mrs. S. Hunt. Agreed by all present to co-opt Mrs. S. Hunt who completed Acceptance of Office and Register of Interest Forms. Mrs. Hunt was welcomed to the parish council by the members.

b. HSBC – Bank Mandate. The Clerk had been informed that the mandate required renewal with new signatories. The Clerk also requested forms regarding the use of a Debit Card and Online banking. Resolved:- The new Mandate be signed by all members and that the signature of any two of those listed on the Mandate will be required for the signing of a cheque. Done by all present. Resolved:- To apply for a Debit Card/Online Banking. Forms also completed.

c. Defibrillator – Noted 17/05/2019 that the Defibrillator pads needed to be replaced as they were out of date. New pads ordered and placed in case – dated to 2020:12

d. Howden Town Council Offices - Meetings booked for 10/06, 05/08 and 07/10. The Clerk collected a key and opening information from Howden Town Council Clerk and payment was made for the above three meetings.

e. No Cold Calling Zone – A request was made to Sharon Clarke (East Riding Trading Standards Officer) after the members reconsidered their decision and agreed to the setting up of a NCCZ in the parish. Reply received from Sharon Clarke that there is a waiting list and the parish council need to reapply in 12 months time.

f. Community Speed Watch Initiative– NHW Co-ordinators informed they will be updated as and when information is received. Also the Clerk informed Kilpin Parish Council of the scheme and the need to apply to be put on the list.

4. Accounts.

a. WelMedical – Defibrillator Pads. Cheque £44.28 paid 27/05 2019.

b. HSBC – Bank Statement to 21/05/2019 – Balance at bank: £8042.60.

c. Parish Website/Accounts for Audit 2018/2019 – All information put on website and Certificate of Exemption accepted by PKFLittlejohn LLP.

d. Zurich Insurance – Receipt for payment of insurance.

e. Howden Town Council – Paid £45.00 cheque dated 07/06/2019 for meetings.

5. Planning Matters.

a. Permission Granted for erection of first floor extension with roof lights to rear - 19/00607 and Internal works to create additional living accommodation and external alterations including erection of first floor extension with roof lights to rear 19/01030 at Linton House, Asselby for Mr. & Mrs. J. Cutt.

b. Permission Granted for the Conversion of existing agricultural buildings, including alterations and extensions to create four dwellings and erection of a double garage following demolition of existing fold yard and two dutch barns at land and buildings south of Field House Farm, Asselby for Mr. D. A. Platt. 19/00949.

c. Erection of two storey, single storey and first floor extensions with external and internal alterations to threshing and granary barns to allow conversion to dwelling and erection of detached garage at Old Hall Farm, Knedlington for Mr. J. Ward. (Listed Building Consent – 19/01316) and (Full Planning Permission 19/01315).

d. Proposed – Erection of dwelling, land and building east of The Craggs, Asselby for Mr. N. Rowe. 19/00865. Comments to be sent - agreed by all present.

e. Proposed – Erection of dwelling, land and building west of The Craggs, Asselby for Mr. N. Rowe. 19/00771. Comments to be sent – agreed by all present.

f. Proposed – Change of Use of existing annexe with associated alterations and single storey extension at front to create dwelling at land and building east of Chestnut Bungalow, Asselby for Mr. & Mrs. S. Binns. 19/01471. Comments to be sent – agreed by all present.

6. Correspondence.

a. East Riding of Yorkshire – Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition.

 b. HJBC – Notice of Meeting 12/06/2019. Other items – No further Action.

7. Any Other Business.

a. Dog Litter Bag Bins – The Clerk informed the members of the state of the public footpaths and lanes where dog fouling has occurred which had not been cleaned up by dog owners. Resolved: Further enquires to be made regarding the placing of Disposable bags in containers for dog owners to take and the disposal of used bags in bins – to be discussed at next meeting.

b. The problem in the village of noise caused by dogs barking which causes a nuisance to nearby residents was also discussed.

c. The Black Swan, Asselby – Concerns regarding the siting of the defibrillator and the power source were mentioned. The Clerk informed those present that the owner of the Black Swan had agreed to the use of the power supply from the Black Swan and there was no issue at the present time even though the public house was closed. Also, concerns were noted regarding the beer barrels, noticeboards and notices left out at the Black Swan – R. Pickersgill to speak to the owner. Agreed by all to look at the situation regarding the Black Swan at the next meeting.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm.

The next meeting was previously arranged for Monday 5th August at 7.30pm